Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

What’s the scoop on Lectins?

Lectins have become a focal point in nutrition circles, especially in inflammatory conditions. The anti-lectin diet was popularised by The Plant Paradox, a book written by cardiac surgeon Steven Gundry, MD.

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

It’s A Gut Feeling

In honour of IBS awareness month I wanted to turn the conversation back to this very important system - the Gastrointestinal System, that we fondly (or not so fondly if you suffer with IBS) call “The Gut”.

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

Building Immunological Strength: Immunity, Immunoscience & COVID19

I started writing this blog 3 days ago, and it’s just got longer and longer due to the many possible contributing factors that are at play in relation to the disease COVID19.

I wanted to share measured and science based information with you, and I’ve had my head in the literature and mind-mapping the contributing factors to now share with you.

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

Immune System 101

The immune system acts to protect us, often with such efficiency, it goes unnoticed. The system is a complex network of specialised cells and tissues that interact through cell signalling molecules (cytokines), cell membrane receptors and intracellular mechanisms. Immune cells are found in nearly every tissue in the body, acting like bouncers at a nightclub detecting both foreign “antigens” (trouble makers) or damaged cells that have the potential to do harm.

Read more to learn about what the gut has to do with our immune system as well as an explanation of the The Innate and Adaptive Immune System and how supporting and improving T regulatory cell function can help...

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

Phytoestrogens: peri & menopause

Perimenopause and menopause happen when the body’s natural production oestrogen (in the form of oestradiol) is reduced, due to the diminishment of ovarian follicles.

The “treatment” of menopause from an allopathic perspective is based on HRT. From a naturopathic perspective we focus on symptomatic support in the form of dietary, nutrient and herbal therapeutics and a significant component of this are the inclusions of Phyto-oestrogens.

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

Myth Busting Adrenal Fatigue & Cortisol Steal!

Have you been told or bought into any of these statements ? 

You have adrenal fatigue!

“You are suffering as a result of “cortisol steal” - it’s hijacking/ stealing away from all of your other hormones, such as oestrogen and DHEA

Your adrenal glands are your back up at peri menopause and menopause

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

Honey I've been juiced

It’s easy to be swayed at this time of year that drinking juice is “healthy” and that it will negate all the sins for which we’ve committed in December! We are encouraged by very persuasive and attractive marketing to purchase 3, 5 or even 10-day juice cleanses and detoxes to help our health and be pushed across the line by promises of dramatic weight-loss. And of course we think we are giving our children a healthy alternative by letting them drink box after box of “pure fruit juice”. It’s pure fruit juice, so it’s good for us, right?

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

A Loss of Tolerance

I had the pleasure of attending 15 hours of post graduate education on autoimmunity treatment applications and clinical strategies by the Kharrazian Institute earlier this month and I wanted to write a few blogs over the coming months with some bite size pieces of information to help any of you that follow me. This post is on the very important area of losing tolerance - and I’m not talking about with your children or partner!

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Tanya Borowski Tanya Borowski

Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants

Antioxidants, free radicals and oxidative stress: have become trendy topics as far as health and longevity are concerned. The best way to think about oxidative stress is as the wear and tear that happens on your system as part of our general and normal running of bodily functions, called metabolism. To protect ourselves against oxidative stress and free radicals we have a built in antioxidant system designed to mitigate this wear and tear, but can run into health problems if these reserves are overused and become depleted.

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